Every summer the Ethno musicians play several concerts together. Not only the big ensemble concerts at Bingsjo fiddle festival and Rattviksparken (Thursday 4 July) but also small gigs at Café Nyfiket and downtown the town of Rattvik for example. A good reason to plan a holiday in Dalarna unless you will be performing with the Ethno group? The first week of July 2019 – keep that in mind!
Groups from Ethno will perform at Café Nyfiket, Gammelgarden, Rattvik. Normally some of the foreign groups will represent Ethno here. Saturday 29 June
Several groups from Ethno will give a short but free concert downtown Rattvik, at the town square during the festival week. Tuesday 2 July 2019.
The whole Ethno ensemble will travel to nearby village Bingsjo to play at the big folk music festival there. Ethno performs at the opening concert, then 1-2 groups fromEthno will perform at the intimate stage Tunet and finally the whole Ethno invites you to an hour of trying out folk dances from the whole world at Bystugudansbanan. Do not miss that fantastic dance experience! Bingsjö Wednesday 3 July