Ethno on the road – on the air
The Ethno Sweden tour band Ethno On The Road did its 16th ever annual tour last year with participants from five countries. The Swedish radio P2 recorded a concert and tonight you can experience this unique band on the air.
Ethno on the road 2019 consisted of accordionist Diana Burco, Colombia, percussionist Josh Willis, USA, pipa player Fan Qi Wu, Taiwan, guitarist Liam Roudil, France, clarinet player Lovisa Mannela, Sweden and Swedish leadersPeter Rossi, bass, and Sandra Marteleur, violin.
The concert at Stallet Stockholm was the last one on this two week long tour of Sweden. Even though Etrhno Sweden 2020 has been cancelled we plan to organize another Ethno on the road tour in November – in case the Corona virus has stopped haunting us all.
If you cannot hear the concert live tonight at channel P2 you can always listen to the concert on the web – sverigesradio.se/p2 – for several weeks.
Photo credit: Peter Bothén